HomeTea and HealthWhat Tea Is Good for Menstrual Cramps? 13 Best Teas
girl drinking mugwort tea

What Tea Is Good for Menstrual Cramps? 13 Best Teas

How many times have you wished for a natural remedy to those nagging menstrual cramps that seem to take over your life every month? Did you ever think of exploring the best tea for period relief? 

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into various types of teas and their effectiveness against menstrual cramps.

What Are Menstrual Cramps?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem. Menstrual cramps are medically known as dysmenorrhea. These are painful sensations that affect many women before and during a menstrual period. 

The discomfort can range from dull and annoying to severe and extreme. But why does it vary so much and why do some women experience more severe cramps?

In the coming sections, we’ll reveal not just the what, but also the hows and whys of the miraculous relief teas can provide during your period.

Why Drink Tea for Menstrual Cramps – 7 Reasons

Ever wondered why many people instinctively reach for a cup of tea when they are feeling under the weather?

Tea offers a natural and delightful solution when it comes to finding relief from menstrual cramps. Here is why you should consider turning to this soothing beverage during your time of the month:

1. Natural Remedy: Herbal teas are derived from natural plants. Each tea have its unique properties that can help alleviate discomfort. Embracing these natural remedies can be a gentle and holistic approach to managing menstrual cramps.

2. Effective Comfort: Certain herbal teas have been known for their anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties. These teas include chamomile, ginger and peppermint. The beneficial qualities of these teas can effectively ease the tension and pain associated with cramps.

3. Calming and Soothing: Tea is not just about the physical benefits. It also has a calming effect on the mind. Taking a moment to enjoy a warm cup of tea can provide a sense of comfort and relaxation during a challenging time.

4. Customizable Options: With an extensive variety of herbal teas available, you can choose the ones that resonate best with your preferences and needs. Whether you prefer floral notes or a hint of spiciness, there’s a tea to match your taste.

5. Easy Preparation: Brewing tea is a simple and quick process. It is a convenient way to incorporate natural remedies into your daily routine without any hassle.

6. No Harmful Side Effects: Unlike some medications, herbal teas generally have no harmful side effects. Still, you need to consume them in moderation. These teas are a safer alternative for those looking to avoid pharmaceutical options.

7. Holistic Wellness: Opting for herbal teas not only targets the physical symptoms but also encourages overall wellness. Also, nourishing your body with natural ingredients promotes a sense of balance and harmony.

13 Best Teas for Period Cramps

Whether it’s calming chamomile or the potent ginger, each of the teas we will explore offers a unique way of soothing menstrual cramps. Besides, they come with an easy-to-follow recipe and suggestions for tasty variations. 

Ready to explore? Let’s dive right in.

chamomile tea

1. Soothing Chamomile Tea

A hot cup of chamomile tea has the potential to become your comforting companion when period pain arrives. It provides you with warmth, comfort and much-needed relief. As you sip this mellow infusion, its smooth floral notes may help you forget the tumult of the outside world. Instead you focus on healing and rejuvenation.

Chamomile’s magic doesn’t stop at its delightful taste and aroma. Its potent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties work in harmony. This way, it helps in soothing the spasms of your uterine muscles. These are often the primary culprits behind those pesky menstrual cramps.

So, how do you conjure up this pacifying brew? Here, we reveal the simple, yet profound ritual of preparing chamomile tea.



  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Place the chamomile flowers in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the flowers.
  3. Let it steep for about 5-10 minutes, then strain.

For a twist: Try adding a teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon.

ginger tea

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger, with its distinctive fiery flavor, is an excellent home remedy for pain and inflammation, including menstrual cramps. This root contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols, which help inhibit the production of prostaglandins – the chemicals that trigger contractions in your uterus. This process can reduce cramp intensity and give you the much-needed relief.



  • 1-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 2 cups of water
  • Honey or lemon to taste (optional)


  1. In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil.
  2. Add the ginger slices and simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea into a cup and add honey or lemon if desired.

Experience a variation: If you’re a fan of spicy, try adding a cinnamon stick during the simmering process for an extra kick.

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peppermint tea taste

3. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a fantastic choice for those struggling with menstrual cramps. Menthol, the active ingredient in peppermint, has a soothing effect that not only alleviates bodily discomfort but can also help relax your mind. It’s a delicious and comforting option that can be easily incorporated into your routine.



  • 1 tablespoon dried peppermint leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Place peppermint leaves in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  3. Allow it to steep for about 5-10 minutes, then strain.

For an exciting twist: Add a slice of fresh lemon or a dash of honey to your peppermint tea for added flavor and health benefits.

lavender tea

4. Lavender Tea

Lavender tea has an enchanting aroma and pleasant taste. It can be a calming balm for menstrual cramps. Lavender has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relax the nervous system, easing pain and promoting better sleep.

Drinking a cup of warm lavender tea could just be what you need to manage those cramp-induced discomforts and anxiety.



  • 1 tablespoon dried lavender buds
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Honey or lemon to taste (optional)


  1. Place the lavender buds in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the buds.
  3. Let it steep for about 5-10 minutes, then strain.
  4. Add honey or lemon, if desired.

For a different twist: Mix lavender and chamomile in equal parts for a super relaxing blend.

mugwort tea in a tea cup for menstrual cramps

5. Mugwort Tea

Mugwort may not be as well-known as some other herbs but it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to soothe menstrual cramps. It helps relax the uterus, reducing the intensity of painful contractions. Also, it has a unique flavor that many people find pleasing.



  • 1 teaspoon dried mugwort leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Place the mugwort leaves in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  3. Allow it to steep for about 5-10 minutes, then strain.

Try this variation: Enhance the flavor of mugwort tea with a dash of lemon juice.

oregano tea in a tea cup for period cramps

6. Oregano Tea

Believe it or not, oregano is not just for Italian dishes. Oregano tea is rich in antioxidants and boasts anti-inflammatory properties. It can help manage menstrual cramps effectively. Drinking oregano tea can relieve bloating and reduce the intensity of pain.



  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Place the oregano leaves in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  3. Let it steep for about 5-10 minutes, then strain.

For a variation: Blend oregano and peppermint leaves in equal parts for a stimulating and comforting tea blend.

fennel tea

7. Fennel Tea

Fennel tea with its mild licorice-like flavor, is another remarkable remedy for menstrual cramps. The volatile oils in fennel seeds can help reduce inflammation. It also relaxes the muscles in the uterus, and offers much relief from menstrual pain.



  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Crush the fennel seeds with a mortar and pestle.
  2. Put the crushed seeds in a cup and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Let it steep for about 10-15 minutes, then strain.

For a unique twist: Consider adding a slice of fresh ginger to your fennel tea for a spicy, warming flavor.

caffeine green tea

8. Green Tea

Green tea is more than just a trendy beverage. It’s a potential menstrual cramp reliever too. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, green tea can help soothe menstrual pain while also promoting overall health.



  • 1 teaspoon green tea leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Put the green tea leaves in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  3. Allow it to steep for 2-3 minutes, then strain.

Experience a variation: Try adding a squeeze of lemon or a spoonful of honey to your green tea for added health benefits and flavor.

mango tea with mango leaves

9. Mango Tea

Imagine sipping on a tea that not only lessens your menstrual cramps but also takes you on a tropical journey. Mango tea is made from the leaves of the mango tree. It can help ease menstrual discomfort. It is rich in phytochemicals that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.



  • 10-15 fresh mango leaves
  • 4 cups of water


  1. Wash the mango leaves thoroughly.
  2. In a pot, bring water to a boil.
  3. Add the leaves and let it simmer for about 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea and let it cool before drinking.

Try a variation: A slice of fresh mango in your tea can boost the mango flavor and give you a juicy surprise!

chasteberry tea for menstrual pain

10. Chasteberry Tea

Chasteberry is also known as vitex or monk’s pepper. It has been hailed as a natural remedy for menstrual discomfort for centuries. It is known for its potential to balance hormones, particularly progesterone. Besides, it has a hormone-balancing act that helps ease menstrual cramps.



  • 1 teaspoon dried chasteberry
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Place the dried chasteberry in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Let it steep for about 10 minutes, then strain.

For a little variation: A dash of honey will soften the flavor of the chasteberry tea.

Best silver needle white tea

11. Wormwood Tea

Don’t be put off by the name; wormwood tea can offer potent relief from menstrual cramps. Its bitter compounds stimulate digestion, reduce bloating, and have anti-inflammatory effects that help soothe menstrual discomfort.



  • 1 teaspoon dried wormwood leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Put the wormwood leaves in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  3. Allow it to steep for about 5 minutes, then strain.

Try this twist: A squeeze of lemon will help balance out the bitter flavor.

basil tea with lemon for periods

12. Basil Tea

Basil is a beloved herb in many cuisines. It can also come to your rescue during painful periods. It contains caffeic acid, which has analgesic or pain-killing properties. Thus, a cup of basil tea can help soothe your menstrual cramps and lift your spirits.



  • 2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Tear the basil leaves into small pieces and place in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  3. Let it steep for about 5-8 minutes, then strain.

For a delightful twist: Add a hint of honey or lemon to your basil tea.

marigold flower tea for period cramps

13. Marigold Tea

Marigold has bright yellow petals. It makes a cheerful cup of tea that can help alleviate menstrual cramps. It’s rich in flavonoids and triterpenes, which have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.



  • 1 tablespoon dried marigold petals
  • 1 cup boiling water


  1. Put the marigold petals in a cup.
  2. Pour boiling water over the petals.
  3. Let it steep for about 10 minutes, then strain.

Try a variation: A drop of honey will add a soothing sweetness to your marigold tea.

Enhancing Pain Relief: Beyond Tea

Teas can be highly effective in relieving menstrual cramps. But for even better results, consider incorporating other natural remedies into your self-care routine during periods:

  1. Regular Exercise: Even light activities like yoga and walking can help reduce menstrual pain by increasing blood circulation to the pelvic region.
  2. Heat Therapy: Applying a hot water bottle or a heating pad to your lower abdomen can help relax your uterine muscles and provide relief from cramps.
  3. A Balanced Diet: Eating foods rich in complex carbs, proteins, and healthy fats can help keep your body nourished and better prepared to handle period cramps.
  4. Relaxation Techniques: Deep-breathing exercises, meditation, or even a warm bath can reduce stress and help soothe menstrual pain.


In this blog post, we have explored 13 different blends, each offering its unique benefits for menstrual cramp relief. But we understand that with so many wonderful options, choosing just one can be a delightful dilemma.

Fear not, for we have something special in store for you! If you can’t decide on one, check out these related posts for additional pain relief:

Do you have any favorite recipes or tips to share? Or have you tried any of the teas we mentioned? Let us know in the comments below! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Raspberry leaf tea is often recommended for heavy periods. It’s believed to help tone the uterus and potentially reduce excessive menstrual flow. However, everyone is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Always consult with a healthcare provider if your periods are consistently heavy.

Yes, it’s safe to drink milk tea during periods. However, if you’re sensitive to caffeine or dairy, it might exacerbate period symptoms like bloating and digestive issues. Non-caffeinated herbal teas are generally a better option during menstruation.

Yes, many types of tea can help with period cramps, including chamomile, peppermint, ginger, and the varieties we’ve covered in this post. These teas have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that can help soothe the uterus and relieve cramps.

Chamomile tea is often considered helpful for period cramps due to its natural anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties. Drinking chamomile tea may help ease menstrual discomfort and provide a soothing effect during periods.

Apart from chamomile tea, other herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, and raspberry leaf are also believed to be beneficial for relieving menstrual cramps. All the teas on our list have properties that can help relax muscles and reduce pain during menstruation.

Teas that have anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties can help with period cramps. Some popular options include chamomile, peppermint, ginger, and raspberry leaf tea. These herbal teas may offer relief and comfort during menstruation.

Yes, you can drink chai during periods. Traditional chai with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger can help alleviate menstrual discomfort due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

However, be mindful of the caffeine in black tea, as it may worsen cramps for some individuals. Consider a caffeine-free or herbal chai blend for a soothing and flavorful option without caffeine concerns.

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