HomeHerbal TeaHow to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel
How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel

How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel

When I’m looking for a quick and calming drink, Lemon Tea is my go-to choice.

All you need are water, some tea, lemon, and honey to create this comforting herbal tea that really does wonders.

It’s great whether I’m feeling a bit unwell or just want a nice start to my day.

Plus, it’s really easy to make and doesn’t have too many calories. And the best part?

It keeps me feeling hydrated!

In this post, I’ll walk you through how I make Lemon Tea in different ways.

I’ll also talk about trying out various flavors, pairings, and more.

What Is Lemon?

Lemons (Citrus limon) are bright and citrus fruits that you might have seen in your kitchen or at the grocery store.

They’re usually about the size of a small ball, and their color can range from pale yellow to really vibrant yellow.

When you cut a lemon open, you’ll see juicy segments inside.

But be prepared, because they’re not like sweet oranges or apples.

Lemons are known for their tart flavor.

The first bite can make your face scrunch up because of the sourness.

People use lemons in all sorts of ways.

Some squeeze the juice out and use it to add flavor to food and drinks (like we’ll be doing with our lemon tea.)

Lemon juice can make things taste fresh and lively.

You might have seen people squeezing lemon juice on fish, salads, or even into their water.

Lemons aren’t just about the juice, though.

The yellow zest, which is the outer layer of the peel, is also packed with flavor.

It has a strong lemony smell and taste.

Sometimes people use the zest to add extra zing to their cooking or baking.

I’ve seen lemon zest sprinkled over desserts or mixed into sauces – it adds a special touch.

Now, let’s talk about the star of our show – Lemon tea!

How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel
lemon tea

What Is Lemon Tea?

So, you know about black tea and green tea, right?

Well, let’s add a little squeeze of lemon juice to them – that’s what lemon tea is all about.

I’ve heard people talk about how good it is for you, and I can totally see why!

Making lemon tea is easy peasy.

You start with your regular black or green tea, just like when you make your usual cup.

Then, here’s the fun part: you add some lemon juice into the mix. And guess what?

The tea changes color! It’s like a mini science experiment.

They call this color change a “bathochromic shift,” but don’t let the fancy name scare you.

It just means that your tea looks a bit different now.

But the coolest thing is how the lemon juice makes the tea taste.

Lemon gives a twist of flavors to the tea that’s really refreshing.

The lemony taste is special and makes this drink something you’ll want to try again and again.

5 Benefits of Lemon Tea

When it comes to beverages that offer both a delightful taste and potential health perks, lemon tea is at the top of my list.

Here’s why:

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Lemon tea is packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and vitamin C.

These antioxidants are like little superheroes in your body, fighting off bad stuff that can harm your cells.

2. Boosts Your Immune System

Lemon tea is like a shield for your immune system.

It’s loaded with vitamin C, which helps your white blood cells (the germ fighters) do their job better.

So, it gives your immune system a power-up.

3. Soothes Digestion Troubles

If you ever get a tummy ache with cramps, bloating, or feeling too full, lemon tea can come to the rescue.

The citric acid in lemon can help calm your tummy and make digestion smoother.

Many people sip it before meals to prevent tummy troubles.

4. Helps Your Body Absorb Iron

Your body needs iron to make those important red blood cells that carry oxygen.

Lemon tea is like a helper here.

It has vitamin C, which teams up with iron to make sure your body soaks it up like a sponge.

5. Speeds Up Wound Healing

Got a scrape or a cut?

Lemon tea can help your body heal faster.

Thanks to vitamin C, it helps your skin make collagen, the superhero protein that fixes up wounds.

So, it’s like a natural band-aid for your skin.

Possible Side Effects of Lemon Tea

Lemon tea comes with a refreshing twist of flavor and several health benefits.

But it’s important to be aware of potential side effects that could affect your well-being.

1. Watch Out for Heartburn

If you’re someone who often feels that fiery sensation in your chest known as heartburn or if you deal with acid reflux, it’s a good idea to be cautious with lemon tea.

Lemon tea is a bit more on the acidic side compared to some other teas, and acidic foods.

It is especially true for citrus foods like lemon. In short, lemon can sometimes trigger heartburn or make acid reflux worse.

2. Mind Your Smile – Tooth Concerns

Lemons and lemon tea might be tangy and tasty, but they’re also quite acidic.

This acidity can be tough on your tooth’s protective shield, called enamel.

If your enamel gets worn down, it can lead to issues like teeth sensitivity, a yellowish tint, or even cavities.

To keep your pearly whites happy, consider sipping some water after you enjoy lemon tea.

Water helps balance out the acidity in your mouth and keeps your teeth safer.

making lemon tea

What You Need to Make Lemon Tea

Here are ingredients and tools you need to make lemon tea easily.

Lemon Tea Ingredients

To make a delicious cup of lemon tea, you’ll need just a couple of simple ingredients:

1. Tea Bags or Loose Tea Leaves

Choose your favorite type of tea – black tea or green tea work great.

You can use tea bags for convenience or loose tea leaves if you prefer.

2. Hot Water

You’ll need hot water to steep your tea and bring out its flavors.

Boil water and let it cool slightly before using.

3. Fresh Lemon

Get a fresh lemon to squeeze its juice into your tea. Lemons add a zesty and tangy flavor that makes the tea refreshing.

4. Honey or Sweetener (Optional)

If you like your tea on the sweeter side, you can add a bit of honey or your preferred sweetener.

Tools Needed

To make your lemon tea, you’ll need a few basic tools from your kitchen:

1. Teapot or Mug

Use a teapot or a mug to brew your tea.

If you’re using tea bags, a mug will do just fine.

2. Tea Infuser (If Using Loose Tea)

If you’re using loose tea leaves, a tea infuser will help contain the leaves while they steep.

3. Lemon Squeezer or Juicer

A lemon squeezer or juicer will help you easily extract the lemon juice without the seeds.

4. Stirring Utensil

A spoon or a stirring stick will help mix the lemon juice into your tea.

5. Kettle or Pot

You’ll need a kettle or a pot to boil water for your tea.

6. Cutting Board and Knife

If you’re using a fresh lemon, a cutting board and knife are needed to cut the lemon and extract its juice.

making lemon tea
lemon tea

How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons

Making lemon tea with fresh lemons is a breeze!

Follow these simple steps to enjoy a delightful cup of lemony goodness:

Step 1: Boil Water

Start by boiling water in a kettle or pot.

You’ll need enough water to fill your teapot or mug.

Step 2: Prepare Your Tea

While the water is heating up, place a tea bag or tea leaves into your teapot or mug.

If you’re using loose tea leaves, you can use a tea infuser to keep them contained.

Step 3: Add Hot Water

Once the water is boiled, pour it over the tea bag or leaves in your teapot or mug.

Let it steep for a few minutes according to the instructions on your tea packaging.

This allows the tea to infuse with the hot water and develop its flavor.

Step 4: Squeeze Lemon Juice

While the tea is steeping, cut your fresh lemon in half.

Use a lemon squeezer or juicer to extract the juice from one-half of the lemon.

Squeeze the juice directly into the tea.

Start with a small amount of lemon juice, and you can adjust the quantity based on your taste preferences.

Step 5: Mix and Sweeten (Optional)

Give your tea a gentle stir to mix the lemon juice evenly.

If you prefer your tea on the sweeter side, this is the time to add a touch of honey or your preferred sweetener.

Stir again to dissolve the sweetener.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Lemon Tea

Your lemon tea is now ready to be enjoyed!

Find a cozy spot, take a sip, and relish the refreshing combination of tea and zesty lemon flavor.

Scroll to the bottom to have complete recipe with ingredients and instructions.

How to Make Lemon Tea with Lemon Peel

Making lemon tea using lemon peel adds an extra burst of citrusy aroma and flavor to your cup.

Follow these simple steps to create a refreshing cup of lemon tea with lemon peel:

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • 1 fresh lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of black or green tea leaves (or 1 tea bag)
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • Honey or sweetener (optional)

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

Collect the ingredients you’ll need for your lemon peel tea: a fresh lemon, tea leaves or a tea bag, hot water, and optional honey or sweetener.

Step 2: Prepare Lemon Peel

Wash the lemon thoroughly and use a vegetable peeler to carefully remove a thin strip of lemon peel.

Make sure to avoid the bitter white pith underneath the peel.

Step 3: Boil Water

Boil a cup of water in a kettle or pot.

Once boiled, let the water cool slightly before using.

Step 4: Brew Your Tea

Place the tea leaves or tea bag in your cup or mug.

If using loose tea leaves, use about 1 teaspoon.

Step 5: Add Lemon Peel

Drop the strip of lemon peel into your cup with the tea leaves or tea bag.

The lemon peel will infuse its citrusy aroma into the tea.

Step 6: Pour in Hot Water

Pour the hot water over the tea leaves or tea bag and lemon peel.

Allow the tea to steep for 3 to 5 minutes, or follow the steeping instructions on your tea packaging.

Step 7: Sweeten Your Tea (Optional)

If you prefer your tea sweetened, add a teaspoon of honey or your preferred sweetener.

Stir well to combine.

Step 8: Remove Tea Bag or Leaves

After steeping, remove the tea bag or strain out the tea leaves from your cup.

Step 9: Squeeze Lemon Juice (Optional)

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze a small amount of lemon juice into your tea.

Adjust the amount based on your taste preferences.

Enjoy your lemon peel tea!

How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel
iced lemon tea

Lemon Tea Hot or Cold

You can enjoy lemon tea in two delicious ways: hot or cold. It’s all about your taste and the weather.

Hot Lemon Tea: When it’s chilly or you want to relax, hot lemon tea is your warm, cozy friend.

The heat makes the lemon flavor even richer.

Thus, giving you a comforting and soothing drink.

Cold Lemon Tea: On sunny days or when you need a cool pick-me-up, cold lemon tea is the way to go.

It’s super refreshing and has that tangy lemon kick that’s perfect for quenching your thirst.

How to Make Lemon Iced Tea

Lemon iced tea is a wonderfully refreshing drink, perfect for hot days or any time you’re craving a cool and flavorful beverage.

There are two common methods for making lemon iced tea: cold brew and traditional iced tea with a lemon twist.

Here, I’ll walk you through both methods so you can choose the one that suits your preference.

Cold Brew Lemon Iced Tea


  • 4-6 tea bags or 4-5 tablespoons of loose tea leaves
  • 4 cups of cold water
  • 1-2 lemons
  • Sweetener of choice (optional)
  • Ice cubes


Step 1: Prepare the Tea

  • Place the tea bags or loose tea leaves in a large pitcher.
  • Add 4 cups of cold water to the pitcher.
  • Cover the pitcher and place it in the refrigerator. Let the tea steep for at least 4 hours, or overnight for a stronger flavor.

Step 2: Add Lemon Flavor

  • Cut the lemons into thin slices.
  • Squeeze the juice from a lemon or two into the pitcher for an extra burst of lemony goodness.
  • Drop the lemon slices into the pitcher as well.

Step 3: Sweeten (Optional)

  • If you like your tea sweetened, add your preferred sweetener to the pitcher. Stir well until it’s dissolved.

Step 4: Serve

  • Fill glasses with ice cubes.
  • Pour the cold-brewed lemon tea into the glasses.
  • Garnish with additional lemon slices if desired.
  • Enjoy your refreshing homemade cold brew lemon iced tea!

Traditional Lemon Iced Tea


  • 4-6 tea bags or 4-5 tablespoons of loose tea leaves
  • 4 cups of hot water
  • 1-2 lemons
  • Sweetener of choice (optional)
  • Ice cubes


Step 1: Brew the Tea

  • Place the tea bags or loose tea leaves in a heatproof pitcher.
  • Pour 4 cups of hot water over the tea.
  • Let the tea steep for about 5 minutes.

Step 2: Add Lemon Flavor

  • Cut the lemons into thin slices.
  • Squeeze the juice from a lemon or two into the tea.

Step 3: Sweeten (Optional)

  • Add sweetener to the tea if desired. Stir until it’s fully dissolved.

Step 4: Chill and Serve

  • Place the pitcher in the refrigerator to cool the tea.
  • Once cooled, fill glasses with ice cubes.
  • Pour the lemon iced tea into the glasses.
  • Garnish with lemon slices.
  • Sip and savor your homemade traditional lemon iced tea!
How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel
lemon tea

Factors That Affect the Flavor of Lemon Tea

When making lemon tea, several factors come into play that can influence the taste of your refreshing beverage.

Understanding these factors will help you tailor your lemon tea to suit your preferences.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Tea Type: Black or Green?

The type of tea you use forms the base of your lemon tea.

Black tea tends to have a stronger and bolder flavor, while green tea offers a milder and more delicate taste.

Choose based on your preference for intensity.

2. Lemon Juice Quantity: A Little or A Lot?

The amount of lemon juice you add directly impacts the level of tanginess in your tea.

Starting with a small amount gives a subtle hint of lemon, while more juice provides a stronger zesty kick.

3. Steeping Time: Short or Long?

The length of time you steep the tea affects its strength and flavor.

A shorter steeping time yields a lighter taste, while a longer steeping time extracts more flavor from the tea leaves.

4. Sweetness: To Sweeten or Not?

Adding sweetener, such as honey or sugar, can balance the tartness of the lemon juice.

Decide whether you want a sweeter or more tangy profile for your tea.

5. Temperature: Hot or Cold?

Lemon tea can be enjoyed both hot and cold.

Hot lemon tea offers a soothing experience, while cold lemon tea is a refreshing option, especially on a warm day.

Choose based on your mood and the weather.

6. Tea-to-Lemon Ratio: Finding the Balance

Adjusting the ratio of tea to lemon juice lets you control the prominence of each flavor.

Experiment to find the perfect balance that pleases your taste buds.

7. Additional Ingredients: Spices and Herbs

You can elevate your lemon tea’s flavor by adding spices like ginger or herbs like mint.

These extras can bring new dimensions to your drink’s taste.

8. Quality of Ingredients: Freshness Matters

Using fresh, high-quality tea and ripe lemons can significantly impact the overall flavor of your lemon tea.

Fresh ingredients tend to produce more vibrant and appealing tastes.

How to Make Lemon Tea with Fresh Lemons/Lemon Peel

How to Make Lemon Tea Taste Better

Lemon tea is already refreshing, but there are a few ways you can take its flavor to the next level.

Here are some options to consider:

1. Adjust Lemon Juice Quantity

If You Like It Zesty: If you enjoy a strong lemony kick, add a bit more lemon juice to your tea.

This will enhance the tangy flavor and make it really zingy.

If You Prefer Milder Flavors: If you want a subtler lemon taste, start with a smaller amount of lemon juice.

You can always add more if you feel like it needs an extra touch of citrus.

2. Experiment with Sweeteners

Honey or Agave: Adding a drizzle of honey or agave syrup can balance the tartness of the lemon and provide a natural sweetness.

Sugar or Sweetener: If you prefer classic sweetness, a bit of sugar or your preferred sweetener can do the trick.

Stir it in until it’s dissolved.

3. Add Fresh Herbs

Mint Leaves: Drop a few fresh mint leaves into your lemon tea while it’s steeping.

Mint adds a cool, refreshing twist that complements the lemony flavor.

Basil or Thyme: For a unique flavor blend, experiment with adding a small sprig of basil or thyme.

These herbs can offer an interesting herbal note.

4. Citrus Zest Infusion

Lemon or Orange Zest: Grate a bit of lemon or orange zest into your tea.

The zest contains aromatic oils that can intensify the citrus aroma without making the tea overly sour.

5. Blend with Other Fruits

Berry Blend: Mix in a handful of fresh or frozen berries like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries.

They can add a sweet and slightly tart dimension to your tea.

Peach or Mango: Slices of ripe peach or mango can create a tropical twist when combined with lemon tea.

quiche for apple tea

Pairing Lemon Tea with Delicious Snacks

Lemon tea is a delightful and refreshing beverage that’s perfect for sipping on its own.

But it can also be wonderfully complemented by some tasty snacks.

Whether you’re looking for a light bite or a more filling option, here are some simple and delicious food pairing ideas to enhance your lemon tea experience.

Light and Zesty Choices

Fresh Fruit: Pair your lemon tea with a plate of sliced fruits like strawberries, oranges, or melon.

The natural sweetness of the fruits contrasts with the tangy lemon flavor.

Biscuits or Shortbread: Enjoy your lemon tea with some plain or citrus-flavored biscuits.

The buttery and slightly crumbly texture of biscuits complements the lightness of the tea.

Yogurt Parfait: Create a quick and easy parfait by layering yogurt, granola, and a drizzle of honey.

The creamy yogurt balances the tartness of the lemon tea, and the granola adds a satisfying crunch.

Heartier Options

Tea Sandwiches: Prepare finger sandwiches with fillings like cucumber, smoked salmon, or egg salad.

The delicate flavors of the sandwiches pair well with the citrusy notes of the lemon tea.

Cheese and Crackers: Indulge in a cheese and cracker platter with a variety of cheese options.

The richness of the cheese is complemented by the bright flavors of the lemon tea.

Quiche or Savory Pastries: Enjoy a savory quiche or pastry alongside your lemon tea.

The savory notes of these dishes balance the tanginess of tea and create a satisfying meal.

When Should You Drink Lemon Tea?

Lemon tea is a tasty drink you can enjoy at different times during the day.

Here are some easy-to-follow suggestions:

1. Wake Up to a Fresh Start

Start your day with a warm cup of lemon tea. It tastes great and helps wake you up.

2. With Your Meals

Have lemon tea with your meals. It adds a nice flavor and can help with digestion.

3. Stay Hydrated

Use lemon tea to stay hydrated. It’s a tasty alternative to plain water.

4. Beat Afternoon Slumps

Feeling tired in the afternoon? Grab a cup of lemon tea for a gentle energy boost.

5. Relaxation Time

Enjoy a calming cup of lemon tea in the evening to wind down. It’s soothing and can help you relax before bedtime.


lemon tea

Lemon Tea Recipe

Recipe by Tania FaysalCourse: DrinksCuisine: Other world cuisine


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



This quick and simple Lemon Tea Recipe will leave you craving more!


  • 2 cups of water

  • 2 tea bags (black or green tea)

  • 1 lemon (freshly squeezed)

  • 2 tablespoons of honey

  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)


  • Boil the water: Start by bringing the 2 cups of water to a boil in a medium-sized pot.
  • Add the tea bags: Once the water is boiling, add in the tea bags and let them steep for about 5 minutes at 175°F (79°C) for green tea or 205°F (96°C) for black tea.
  • Stir in the honey and lemon juice: After steeping, remove the tea bags, add 2 tablespoons of honey and the freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon to the pot. Stir well to combine.
  • Pour and garnish: Finally, pour the hot tea into mugs and garnish with fresh mint leaves, if desired.

Recipe Video


  • You can also add lemon peel before pouring hot water. Let it steep with tea and then add lemon juice.
  • If you want to avoid caffeine, you can make it without tea powder. Just steep lemon peel or slices with hot water, add honey, and enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Does Lemon Tea Taste Like?

Lemon tea has a refreshing and zesty taste. The natural tanginess of the lemon juice adds a bright and slightly tart flavor to the tea.

This citrusy twist complements the earthy or grassy notes of the black or green tea base.

Yes, lemon tea can have caffeine if it’s made using black or green tea as the base.

Black tea generally has more caffeine than green tea. However, the caffeine content can vary based on factors like the type of tea leaves used and how strong you make your tea.

Yes, lemon tea is a real tea. It’s a term used to describe tea that’s infused with lemon flavor.

However, it’s important to note that “real” tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, and black tea and green tea are examples of true teas.

Lemon tea is a variation that combines these teas with lemon juice or other lemon-flavored ingredients.

The calorie content of lemon tea depends on how it’s prepared. Generally, if you’re using only tea leaves and lemon juice, the calorie count is very low, often negligible.

However, if you add sweeteners like honey, sugar, or milk, the calorie count will increase accordingly.

To make lemon tea for weight loss, start by brewing a cup of green tea. Once it’s ready, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

Green tea is often associated with potential weight loss benefits due to its metabolism-boosting properties.

However, remember that while lemon tea might be a part of a healthy routine, sustainable weight loss also requires a balanced diet and regular exercise.

To make lemon tea for a sore throat, follow these steps:

  1. Boil water and let it cool slightly.
  2. Brew a cup of herbal tea, such as chamomile or ginger tea.
  3. Add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Mix well and sip slowly. The warmth of the tea and the soothing properties of lemon and honey can help alleviate sore throat discomfort.

If you prefer not to use honey, you can still enjoy lemon tea. Simply brew your choice of tea (black or green), and after it’s steeped, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

Stir well and taste. If you’d like a touch of sweetness, you can use alternatives like stevia, agave nectar, or skip sweeteners altogether.

Adding lemon juice to hot milk can cause curdling due to the acidity of the lemon. As a result, it’s generally advised not to add milk to lemon tea to avoid this curdling reaction. 

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