HomeHerbal TeaHow to Make Mushroom Tea – Quick Recipe for Every Type!
how to make mushroom tea

How to Make Mushroom Tea – Quick Recipe for Every Type!

Tired of turning your kitchen into a mushroom tea disaster zone? Join the club!

Wasting time and ingredients on a failed brew can feel like starring in a culinary horror story.

Let’s ditch the tea-rror and ensure your next cuppa is a success with this simple mushroom tea recipe!

mushroom tea

What Is Mushroom Tea?

Mushroom tea, at its core, is a tea made by infusing mushrooms in hot water.

It’s not your typical black or green tea – this one’s a bit earthier.

The mushrooms like turkey tail mushrooms impart their essence into the water, and create a unique concoction that stands out in the world of teas.

The roots of mushroom tea extend beyond trendy cafes and health circles.

It’s been a part of traditional medicine practices in various cultures for ages.

Ancient wisdom meets modern cuppa.

The idea of infusing mushrooms into water has a history that goes back, and today, it’s gaining traction as people explore different ways to embrace the potential benefits.

Different mushrooms bring different tastes and potential health perks.

Just like selecting the right tea leaves, picking the appropriate mushroom is crucial.

Some mushrooms might bring earthy notes, while others add a hint of umami.

It’s about tailoring the experience to your taste buds.

Don’t expect mushroom tea to taste like your usual Earl Grey or chamomile.

Mushroom tea has a distinct flavor profile – earthy, sometimes savory, and possibly a touch nutty.

It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re into trying something distinctive, mushroom tea might just hit the right note for you.

It’s an acquired taste that some find surprisingly soothing once they give it a chance.

So, if you’re open to a unique taste adventure, mushroom tea might just become your new favorite sip.

Beyond the flavor, many enthusiasts turn to mushroom tea for its potential health benefits.

Some claim it boosts the immune system, others praise its adaptogenic properties.

While not a magical cure-all, it adds a health-conscious dimension to your tea routine.

different types of mushrooms for mushroom tea

Choose Your Mushrooms for Mushroom Tea

Impressed by the benefits or are under peer-pressure?

Either way, you should definitely give mushroom tea a chance and see how it goes!

Before that, you need to pick the right mushrooms for steeping.

Start with the basics: not all mushrooms are suitable for making tea.

Stick to those known for their benefits and flavor.

1. Chaga Mushrooms

These are a solid choice for tea, packing antioxidants and a mild, earthy taste.

Look for them in chunks or powder form.

Chaga is renowned for its potential health perks, and its adaptogenic properties make it a standout addition to your tea repertoire.

Here’s a Chaga Mushroom Tea Recipe for you!

2. Reishi Mushrooms

They bring a slightly bitter flavor but are valued for their potential immune-boosting properties.

Like Chaga, Reishi is often available in dried form or as an extract.

Adding Reishi to your tea routine might just be the health boost you’ve been looking for.

Make Reishi mushroom tea using this recipe!

3. Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Known for their potential cognitive benefits, these mushrooms can add a unique touch to your tea.

With a mild seafood-like flavor, Lion’s Mane is distinct from other mushroom options.

Consider it if you’re looking to enhance your focus and mental clarity.

Here’s my quick Lion’s Mane Mushroom Tea Recipe!

4. Shiitake Mushrooms

While commonly used in cooking, they can also find a place in your tea cup.

With a more robust flavor, Shiitake adds depth to your brew.

This variety is praised forpotential cardiovascular benefits and is a flavorful option for those wanting a heartier mushroom tea.

Check this Shiitake Mushroom Tea Recipe!

5. Cordyceps Mushrooms

These are known for their potential energy-boosting, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Cordyceps tea can have an invigorating effect, making it a choice for those seeking a natural pick-me-up.

Look for dried Cordyceps sinensis to get started with this energizing mushroom tea.

Looking for something magical? If so, try this Magic Mushroom Tea Recipe! (It’s a psychedelic tea)

making mushroom tea

How to Brew Mushroom Tea Like A Pro!

If you’re keen to elevate your tea game with mushrooms, here’s a quick guide to brewing your own mushroom tea.

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients and Tools

Start by collecting your essentials.

You’ll need 1-2 teaspoons of dried mushrooms of your choice – whether Chaga, Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Shiitake, or Cordyceps.

Grab a teapot, a strainer, and a cup.

Step 2: Boil the Water

Get your kettle on the stove.

Measure out 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil.

Ensure the water is hot enough to extract the flavors and benefits from your chosen mushrooms.

Step 3: Add the Mushrooms

Drop those dried mushrooms into the teapot.

It’s your time to shine, so choose your preferred mushroom or mix them up for a unique blend.

Quantity matters, but you’re looking at roughly 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water.

Keep it proportional to avoid overpowering or diluting the tea.

Step 4: Pour in the Hot Water

Once the water hits boiling point, carefully pour it over the mushrooms in the teapot.

Let them steep for about 10-15 minutes.

This is the extraction process – extracting flavors, nutrients, and goodness from those mushrooms.

No need to rush; patience pays off in a well-steeped brew.

Step 5: Strain and Serve

You’re almost there. Grab your strainer and pour that infused goodness into your cup.

Strain out the mushroom remnants; you’re after a smooth, enjoyable tea.

Take a moment to appreciate the aroma and the rich color of your creation.

Step 6: Optional Additions

If you like, add a touch of sweetness with honey or a splash of lemon for a zesty kick.

Personalize it to your taste, but remember – moderation is key.

This is about enhancing, not overpowering.

Final Sip

There you have it – your homemade mushroom tea.

Scroll to the bottom to have the complete recipe with ingredients and instructions.

mushroom tea hot and cold

Mushroom Tea Hot or Cold?

While it is common to enjoy hot mushroom tea, you can definitely try making iced mushroom tea as well.

Hot Mushroom Tea

  1. Sip It Slowly: Once your hot mushroom tea is ready, take small sips to savor the flavors. Let the warmth and earthy notes envelop your senses.
  2. Unaltered Goodness: Appreciate the tea in its pure form. If you’ve added sweeteners or citrus, let those subtle enhancements complement the mushrooms’ richness.
  3. Relaxation Ritual: Make it a calming ritual. Enjoy your hot mushroom tea during moments of relaxation or as a mindful start to your day.

Cold Mushroom Tea

  1. Chill It Right: After steeping, let your mushroom tea cool down to room temperature before placing it in the refrigerator. Allow it to chill for a few hours or overnight.
  2. Over Ice: Serve the cold mushroom tea over ice cubes for a refreshing experience. The cold version brings out a different dimension of the mushroom flavors.
  3. Enhance the Chill: Consider adding a slice of lemon, a sprig of mint, or a hint of honey to enhance the cold mushroom tea’s refreshing qualities.


  • Switch It Up: Feel free to alternate between hot and cold preparations based on your mood or the weather.
  • Experiment with Temperature: Some mushroom varieties may have distinct flavor profiles when enjoyed hot or cold, so explore to find your preference.

Mushroom Tea Food Pairing

So, you’ve decided to explore the world of mushroom tea. Smart choice.

Now, let’s talk about the food pairings that will elevate your experience.

savory food pairings for mushroom tea

-> Savory Delights

Pair your mushroom tea with savory dishes to create a harmonious flavor profile.

Think grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, or a classic mushroom risotto.

grilled fish for mushroom tea

-> Herb-Infused Wonders

For a refreshing twist, consider pairing your mushroom tea with dishes that feature fresh herbs.

The herbal notes in the tea can accentuate the flavors of dishes like herb-infused salads, pesto pasta, or grilled fish with lemon and herbs.

It’s a simple way to create a well-balanced and palate-pleasing meal.

mushroom soup for mushroom tea

-> Umami Explosion

Take advantage of the umami notes in your mushroom tea by pairing it with dishes that boast a rich umami profile.

Indulge in the savory goodness of umami-packed mushrooms, whether in a stir-fry, a hearty soup, or a simple sautéed side dish.

cheese board for mushroom tea

-> Cheese Harmony

Unlock a world of flavor by combining mushroom tea with various cheeses.

Opt for a cheese platter featuring a mix of aged cheeses, blue cheese, or even a creamy brie.

lasagna, mushroom soup, and truffle mac n cheese

-> Comforting Classics

Don’t underestimate the power of classic comfort foods when it comes to mushroom tea pairings.

Whether it’s a hearty vegetarian lasagna, a bowl of comforting mushroom soup, or a plate of truffle mac ‘n’ cheese, these familiar dishes work surprisingly well with the unique flavors of mushroom tea.

drinking mushroom tea

When to Drink Mushroom Tea

Any time of the day works for sipping mushroom tea.

The versatility of mushroom tea allows you to enjoy it at your convenience.

Some, however, align better with specific times. For instance, Lion’s Mane tea in the morning can kickstart your day with cognitive clarity.

Its potential to enhance focus makes it a smart choice to accompany your breakfast routine.

On the flip side, Chaga tea, with its immune-boosting properties, might be more fitting during the afternoon, offering a natural pick-me-up.

If you’re pondering over sipping a cup at night, Reishi mushroom tea gets the green light.

Its calming effects make it a suitable bedtime beverage, contributing to a restful night’s sleep.

So, whether it’s dawn, dusk, or anywhere in between, there’s likely a mushroom tea that fits the bill.

mushroom tea

Mushroom Tea Recipe

Recipe by Tania FaysalCourse: DrinksCuisine: Chinese


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Making mushroom tea is as easy as making chamomile tea!


  • 2-3 teaspoons of dried Chaga, Reishi, Lion's Mane, Shiitake, or Cordyceps mushrooms (or a mix)

  • 2 cups water

  • Optional: Honey or lemon for sweetness


  • Boil the Water: In a kettle, bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
  • Add the Mushrooms: Place 2-3 teaspoons of your chosen dried mushrooms into a teapot.
  • Pour Boiling Water: Once the water reaches a rolling boil, carefully pour it over the mushrooms in the teapot.
  • Steep the Mushrooms: Allow the mushrooms to steep for 10-15 minutes, letting the flavors infuse into the water.
  • Strain and Serve: After steeping, use a strainer to pour the tea into cups, separating the liquid from the mushroom remnants.
  • Optional Additions: Customize your tea by adding honey or a splash of lemon for sweetness or a zesty kick.

Recipe Video


  • For a stronger flavor, let the mushrooms steep for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Try cold brewing by steeping the mushrooms in water in the refrigerator for a refreshing iced mushroom tea.
  • Feel free to get creative with additional herbal infusions like mint or ginger for an extra layer of complexity.
  • Store any leftover tea in the fridge and reheat as needed, but consume within 24 hours for optimal freshness.
  • If using mushroom powder, adjust the quantity to 1-2 teaspoons based on personal taste preferences.

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