HomeHerbal TeaHow to Make Slippery Elm Tea from Bark and Powder!
how to make slippery elm tea

How to Make Slippery Elm Tea from Bark and Powder!

Ever felt that annoying burn after a big meal?

Or maybe your stomach rumbles at the worst times, like in important meetings.

We’ve all been there.

And who hasn’t dealt with late-night cravings or foggy mornings?

It’s a bit like your stomach’s on a rollercoaster, right?

Well, there is something great you can drink: meet slippery elm tea.

This tea is the answer to that burn, the silencer of stomach rumbles, the late-night craving buster, the morning fog lifter, and the stomach’s calm captain.

Interested? Just scroll down.

The recipe for your comforting cup of slippery elm herbal tea is right there, waiting for you.

slippery elm tree

What Is Slippery Elm?

Slippery Elm is a tree.

Specifically, the inner bark of this tree is what grabs the spotlight.

No, it’s not some new-age discovery.

People have been using it for ages.

Native Americans were onto something when they introduced it to early settlers.

-> Appearance

Picture a tree with rough, grayish-brown bark and leaves that are doubly toothed at the edges.

It’s nothing fancy – just a straightforward, sturdy tree standing its ground.

-> History

Slippery elm has been around for ages, used by Native Americans for various purposes.

They recognized its inner bark as a source of nutrition and even turned it into a gooey substance for healing purposes.

Native Americans used this bark as a natural bandage to heal wounds.

While it was used to protect food from spoilage, during famines it was served as food as well.

-> Where it Grows

As for its whereabouts, you’ll find slippery elm primarily in the eastern part of North America.

It’s not picky about soil types, often popping up in moist areas like riverbanks and bottomlands.

This tree isn’t playing hard to get; it’s quite accessible if you know where to look.

-> Benefits

The inner bark of this unassuming tree has a trick up its sleeve.

It’s known for its mucilage content, a substance that turns into a slippery, gel-like consistency when mixed with water.

This quality makes it a go-to for soothing various discomforts, from throat irritation to digestive issues.

When you consume it, it can coat your throat and stomach, giving you relief.

But don’t go thinking it’s a magic potion.

It won’t solve all your problems, but it might ease a few.

-> Bark

Peel back the layers, and you’ll find the inner bark, the one that holds the key to slippery elm’s goodness.

It’s not about the outer appearance; it’s what’s inside that counts.

This inner bark is where the mucilage magic happens.

-> Powder

Now, if you’re not in the mood for bark-peeling adventures, there’s always the powder option.

Ground from the inner bark, slippery elm powder is a convenient way to get the benefits without the tree-climbing effort.

making slippery elm bark tea

How to Make Slippery Elm Bark Tea

Let’s dive straight into crafting a delicious cup of Slippery Elm Bark Tea.

Below, you’ll find simple steps, ingredients, and tools to make it happen.

Step 1: Obtaining Slippery Elm Bark

To start, source high-quality slippery elm bark.

You’ll need about 1 tablespoon of dried slippery elm bark for a single cup of tea.


  • 1 tablespoon dried slippery elm bark
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1-2 slices of fresh ginger
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cups of water


  • Small saucepan
  • Strainer
  • Mug

Now, let’s get to the simple steps.

Step 2: Bring Water to a Simmer

In a small saucepan, heat 2 cups of water until it simmers. You don’t need a full boil here, just some gentle bubbles.

Step 3: Add Slippery Elm Bark

Toss in 1 tablespoon of dried slippery elm bark.

Let it steep in the simmering water for about 5-7 minutes.

Step 4: Infuse with Flavor

Drop in 1-2 slices of fresh ginger and 1 cinnamon stick.

This combo adds a delightful flavor kick to your tea.

Let it all mingle in the simmering water for an additional 3-5 minutes.

Step 5: Strain into Your Mug

Use a strainer to pour the tea into your favorite mug, separating the liquid from the bark and spices.

Step 6: Sweeten to Taste

Stir in 1 teaspoon of honey, or adjust according to your sweetness preference.

Sip, enjoy, and let the soothing benefits flow.

slippery elm powder

How to Make Slippery Elm Powder Tea

Have slippery elm bark but crave that convenience of powder?

Here’s how you can make your own slippery elm powder from bark.

Step 1: Preparing Slippery Elm Powder

To make the powder, start with obtaining high-quality slippery elm bark.

Here’s how:

1. Gather Quality Bark

Collect a sufficient amount of slippery elm bark, ensuring it’s clean and free from impurities.

2. Dry the Bark

Lay the bark out in a single layer and allow it to air-dry completely.

This might take a few days, depending on your climate.

3. Cut into Small Pieces

Once dry, cut the bark into small pieces.

This makes the grinding process more efficient.

4. Use a Grinder or Blender

Employ a coffee grinder or a high-powered blender to pulverize the dried bark into a fine powder.

Blend in short pulses to prevent overheating.

5. Sift if Necessary

For an even finer powder, you can sift the ground bark through a fine mesh.

Now that you have your slippery elm powder ready, let’s move on to brewing your tea.

Ingredients for Slippery Elm Powder Tea

  • 1 teaspoon slippery elm powder
  • 1-2 teaspoons of maple syrup (adjust to taste)
  • 1 cup of hot water


  • Mug
  • Stirring spoon

Brewing Slippery Elm Powder Tea

  1. Add Slippery Elm Powder: Place 1 teaspoon of slippery elm powder into your mug.
  2. Pour Hot Water: Pour 1 cup of hot water over the powder. Stir well to ensure it dissolves.

3. Sweeten to Taste: Sweeten your tea with 1-2 teaspoons of maple syrup, adjusting according to your preference.

slippery elm tea for stomach discomfort

When to Drink Slippery Elm Tea

You drink Slippery Elm Tea when you need relief.

It’s best for soothing your throat or stomach, tackling issues like soreness or irritation.

For a dry cough or indigestion, have it after meals.

When you feel discomfort, that’s the time.

It works by coating and calming, so after a meal or before bed could be your moments.

No fixed rule, just when the need hits – that’s when Slippery Elm Tea steps in.

Related Herbal Tea Recipes

slippery elm tea

Slippery Elm Tea Recipe for Calm Stomach

Recipe by Tania FaysalCourse: DrinksCuisine: North American


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Sip on slippery elm tea tea for a gentle and soothing experience, as the slippery elm bark may help ease digestive discomfort, while ginger contributes to a calm stomach.


  • 2 tablespoons dried slippery elm bark

  • 2 teaspoons honey (adjust to taste)

  • 2-4 slices of fresh ginger

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 4 cups of water


  • In a small saucepan, bring 4 cups of water to a simmer.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of dried slippery elm bark and let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
  • Drop in 2-4 slices of fresh ginger and 2 cinnamon sticks. Allow the flavors to mingle for an additional 3-5 minutes.
  • Strain the tea into your mug, separating the liquid from the bark and spices.
  • Stir in 2 teaspoons of honey, or adjust according to your sweetness preference.
  • Sip, enjoy, and let the soothing benefits of Slippery Elm Bark Tea unfold.

Recipe Video


  • Storage Tip: If you find yourself with extra tea, refrigerate it for a refreshing iced version later. Simply pour over ice when ready to enjoy.
  • Get Creative: Experiment with additional herbs or spices like mint or a splash of lemon juice to tailor the tea to your liking.

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