HomeHerbal TeaHow to Make Rooibos Tea – Rooibostee Recipe
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How to Make Rooibos Tea – Rooibostee Recipe

Are you a fan of colored teas? Well, Rooibos tea is here to enchant you!

Rooibos tea is special because it’s not like the regular teas we usually have.

It’s made from the leaves of a plant found in South Africa, not from the usual tea plant.

This makes it caffeine-free and unique.

It tastes sweet and gentle, with a touch of earthy flavor – a nice surprise for my taste buds!

Plus, it’s full of antioxidants that are really good for me.

To make this tea, you just need to follow a few simple steps.

And for that, I’m here to give you a helping hand!

What Is Rooibos Tea?

Rooibos tea is a special kind of herbal tea or tisane.

It’s made by putting rooibos leaves into hot water, sort of like making tea from regular tea leaves.

The cool thing is that rooibos tea doesn’t have any caffeine, so it won’t make you feel all jittery.

The rooibos leaves come from a plant called Aspalathus linearis. It’s not like the regular tea plant; it’s more like a shrub.

They use the leaves of this plant to make the tea. And guess what?

This plant is only found in one place: South Africa.

They’ve been making rooibos tea there for a really long time. It’s kinda like a tradition there.

The place where they get this special plant is in the mountains of South Africa, in a region called Cederberg.

The people there know all about rooibos and have been using it for ages.

Now, the name “rooibos” is pretty interesting.

It comes from a language spoken in South Africa called Afrikaans.

In Afrikaans, “rooibos” means “red bush.” And that makes sense because the tea has a reddish color when you make it.

But wait, there are two types of rooibos: regular rooibos and green rooibos.

The difference is how they’re made.

The regular one is kind of red because of a process called oxidizing.

It’s like when apples turn brown after you cut them.

The green one is not oxidized as much, so it’s greener. But you don’t see the green one around as much.

When it comes to saying “rooibos,” most people say “ROY-BOSS.” But if you say it really fast, it sounds more like “ROY-BUS.”

I’ve tried rooibos tea a few times, and I find it has a unique taste.

It’s a bit earthy and slightly sweet, which I like.

Some people say it’s similar to black tea, but it’s less bitter.

Besides, Rooibos tea has a lovely red-brown color, which makes it look pretty in my cup.

Rooibos Tea Health Benefits

Before we make rooibos tea, let’s dive into its incredible health benefits.

I’ve been sipping on this caffeine-free wonder and here’s what I’ve learned:

1. Antioxidant Boost

So, there’s this cool thing about rooibos tea – it’s packed with antioxidants.

These little champions are like shields that protect our cells from getting damaged.

You know, like putting on sunscreen, but for your insides.

And that means they can help lower the chances of getting sick for the long run. Pretty neat, huh?

2. Bye-Bye Caffeine Woes

If you’re like me and caffeine turns you into a jittery mess, rooibos is here to save the day.

It’s totally caffeine-free, which is awesome if you’re looking for a warm and cozy drink without the buzz.

Plus, this means you can enjoy it even in the evening without worrying about staying up all night.

3. Happy Heart

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m all about keeping my heart healthy.

Rooibos can lend a hand here too.

Those antioxidants I mentioned earlier, especially one called aspalathin, seem to be heart’s best friends.

They help calm down the stress our heart faces from harmful stuff.

And aspalathin might even be a superhero against high cholesterol – you know, that bad guy that messes with our hearts?

There’s a study that says rooibos could change how our body makes cholesterol, making it easier for our heart to do its thing.

Rooibos Side Effects

Rooibos has good tales to tell but there is something you might want to know.

Liver Concerns

It’s important to note that while rooibos is generally considered safe, there has been a rare case in 2010 where a woman experienced liver issues after consuming rooibos.

This case is an exception and not the norm.

Estrogen-Like Effects

A 2017 study conducted on animals suggested that certain compounds found in rooibos could potentially mimic estrogen in the body.

However, it’s crucial to understand that this study was done on animals, and we can’t directly apply these findings to humans.

More research is needed to determine whether rooibos has similar estrogen-like effects on humans.

Personal Thoughts

While the liver issue reported in 2010 is concerning, it’s important to remember that it’s an isolated case.

Rooibos is generally considered safe for consumption, and I haven’t personally experienced any adverse effects from drinking it.

The potential estrogen-like effects are intriguing, but until more research is conducted on humans, it’s challenging to draw any definitive conclusions.

red rooibos tea

What You Need to Make Rooibos Tea

If you’re looking to enjoy a soothing cup of Rooibos tea, I’m here to guide you through the process.

It’s a wonderful caffeine-free option with a naturally sweet taste and loads of health benefits.

To make the perfect cup, you’ll need a few key things.

Let’s get started!

1. Rooibos Tea Leaves

I highly recommend getting your hands on some good quality Rooibos tea leaves.

You can find them at your local grocery store or online.

Look for leaves that are vibrant in color and give off a fragrant aroma.

2. Fresh Water

Water, water, everywhere!

Use fresh, cold water to bring out the best flavors in your Rooibos tea.

Don’t use water that’s been sitting around or has been reheated – your taste buds will thank you for the clean, crisp taste.

3. Teapot or Teacup

Now, you’ll need something to brew your tea in.

You can use a teapot or simply a teacup, depending on your preference.

Using a teapot might be handy if you’re making tea for a few friends or just want to keep refilling your cup without brewing a new batch each time.

4. Strainer or Infuser

Unless you’re a fan of tea leaves swimming in your cup, a strainer or infuser is a must.

These nifty tools keep those leaves from ending up in your mouth. Trust me, it’s not a pleasant surprise!

5. Optional Add-ins

This is where you can get creative!

While Rooibos tea is delicious on its own, you might want to enhance the experience with a touch of sweetness.

Honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon can add an extra layer of flavor.

rooibos tea
rooibos tea

How to Make Rooibos Tea – Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let me walk you through the process step by step, so you can enjoy a perfect cup of Rooibos tea.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before diving into the process of making a comforting cup of Rooibos tea, make sure you have everything you need.

You’ll require fresh water, a teapot, Rooibos tea leaves, and a strainer.

Step 2: Choose Your Rooibos

Rooibos tea comes in two main varieties: green and red (oxidized).

The green Rooibos has a milder, slightly grassy flavor, while the red Rooibos is richer and earthier.

I personally prefer the red Rooibos for its robust taste.

Step 3: Boil Fresh Water

While the teapot is warming up, bring fresh water to a boil.

The water temperature plays a vital role in extracting the best flavors from Rooibos tea.

I’ve found that water around 200°F (93°C) works perfectly.

Step 4: Warm the Teapot

Warm your teapot by swirling some of the hot water inside.

This step helps maintain the ideal brewing temperature for your tea.

Step 5: Measure Rooibos Tea Leaves

Once the water is ready, measure out about 1 teaspoon of Rooibos tea leaves per cup of water.

Adjust the quantity to your preference – a bit more for a stronger brew or less for a milder taste.

Remember, this is your tea, so feel free to experiment!

Step 6: Add the Rooibos

Place your Rooibos tea leaves or tea bag into the teapot or teacup with an infuser.

I prefer loose leaf Rooibos for its fresher taste, but tea bags work just fine if you’re in a hurry.

Step 7: Pour the Hot Water

Now, pour the hot water over the Rooibos in your teapot.

Use water that’s just off the boil, around 200°F (93°C).

This temperature brings out the full flavor of the Rooibos without making it bitter.

Step 7: Steep to Perfection

Set your timer for 5-7 minutes.

The steeping time is crucial, as it determines the strength of your tea.

I like my Rooibos strong, so I usually go for the full 7 minutes.

But if you prefer it milder, you can start sipping around the 5-minute mark and adjust to your taste.

Step 8: Savor and Enjoy

Once your timer goes off, remove the tea leaves or bag.

Give it a gentle stir, and you’re ready to enjoy your cup of Rooibos tea.

You can add honey, sugar, or a slice of lemon if you like, but I often find it delightful just as it is.

Scroll to the bottom to have complete recipe with ingredients and instructions.

Brewing Guide for Rooibos Tea

Type of Rooibos TeaWater Temperature (°C)Water Temperature (°F)Brewing Time
Traditional Rooibos93-100°C200-212°F5-7 minutes
Green Rooibos80-85°C175-185°F3-5 minutes
Red Rooibos93-100°C200-212°F5-7 minutes
Honeybush Rooibos93-100°C200-212°F5-7 minutes

Is Rooibos Tea Best Hot or Cold?

If you’re new to the world of Rooibos tea, you might be wondering whether it’s better to enjoy it hot or cold.

I’ve had my fair share of Rooibos tea moments.

So, I’m here to share my thoughts and experiences to help you decide which way to go.

Hot Rooibos Tea

There’s something undeniably comforting about sipping on a steaming cup of hot Rooibos tea.

The warmth spreads through you, making it a great choice on chilly days or when you need a relaxing moment.

Personally, I find that hot Rooibos tea brings out its natural earthy and slightly sweet flavors more intensely.

If you’re someone who loves curling up with a warm drink, hot Rooibos might be your ideal choice.

Cold Rooibos Tea

On the flip side, cold Rooibos tea is a fantastic option, especially during warmer months.

When chilled and served over ice, Rooibos tea transforms into a refreshing and thirst-quenching beverage.

The inherent mild sweetness and fruity undertones of Rooibos become more pronounced when cold, creating a delightful and revitalizing experience.

I often opt for cold Rooibos on hot afternoons – it’s a great way to cool down and stay hydrated.

Experiment with Both

Why choose one when you can enjoy the best of both worlds?

That’s the beauty of Rooibos tea – its versatility.

You can brew a batch of hot Rooibos in the morning and enjoy it as it cools throughout the day.

Or you could make a larger batch of Rooibos and keep some in the fridge for a quick and easy cold option whenever the mood strikes.

It’s like having a two-in-one beverage that adapts to your preferences and the weather.

rooibos tea mocktail
iced rooibos tea with berries

How to Make Iced Rooibos Tea – Cold Brew & Quick Chill

I absolutely love sipping on a refreshing glass of iced Rooibos tea, especially during the warmer months.

There are two great ways to prepare it: cold brew and chilled.

Let me walk you through both methods and share my personal tips for the best iced Rooibos experience.

Cold Brew Iced Rooibos Tea

Cold brewing Rooibos tea is like a slow dance of flavors.

It’s incredibly simple and results in a smooth, naturally sweet, and less bitter infusion. Here’s how I do it:


  • 4-6 Rooibos tea bags or 4 tablespoons of loose Rooibos tea
  • 4 cups of cold water


  1. Place the Rooibos tea bags or loose tea in a pitcher.
  2. Pour in the cold water.
  3. Give it a gentle stir to ensure the tea is fully submerged.
  4. Cover the pitcher and refrigerate for at least 6-12 hours (or overnight) to let the flavors develop.
  5. Once steeped, remove the tea bags or strain the loose tea.
  6. Serve the cold-brewed Rooibos tea over ice and garnish with lemon slices or a sprig of mint, if desired.

Chilled Iced Rooibos Tea

When you’re looking for a quicker way to enjoy iced Rooibos, the chilled method is the way to go.

It’s faster but still delivers that revitalizing taste. Here’s how I make it:


  • 4-6 Rooibos tea bags or 4 tablespoons of loose Rooibos tea
  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 2 cups of cold water
  • Ice cubes


  1. Place the Rooibos tea bags or loose tea in a heatproof pitcher.
  2. Pour in the boiling water and let it steep for about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Remove the tea bags or strain the tea to remove the loose leaves.
  4. Add the cold water to the pitcher to cool down the tea quickly.
  5. Place the pitcher in the refrigerator to chill for about 1-2 hours.
  6. Serve the chilled Rooibos tea over ice cubes and add a twist of lemon or a touch of honey for extra flavor.

What I Prefer!

Both methods have their merits.

Cold brew yields a mellower, naturally sweet flavor, perfect for those who enjoy subtlety.

On the other hand, the chilled method offers a quicker fix with a slightly bolder taste.

I often choose between them based on how patient I am feeling that day.

Whichever method you choose, the result is a rejuvenating glass of iced Rooibos tea that’s perfect for beating the heat.

6 Factors That Affect the Flavor of Rooibos Tea

Now lets find out the factors that can influence rooibos’ flavor.

1. Type of Rooibos

First things first, there are different types of Rooibos tea: green Rooibos and traditional (oxidized) Rooibos.

In my experience, green Rooibos tends to have a lighter, fresher flavor, almost like herbal and slightly grassy notes.

On the other hand, traditional Rooibos often has a richer, nuttier taste with a hint of natural sweetness.

So, your preference for a lighter or stronger flavor might guide your choice here.

2. Quality Matters

Just like with any tea, the quality of the Rooibos leaves matters.

Opting for high-quality, whole leaves rather than dusty, broken bits can make a noticeable difference in flavor.

Premium leaves often offer a smoother and more well-rounded taste.

Remember, it’s not just about the type; it’s about the quality within that type.

3. Flavor Blends and Additives

If you’re feeling a bit adventurous, you might want to explore flavored Rooibos blends.

Ingredients like fruits, herbs, spices, and even floral elements can be added to Rooibos for extra layers of flavor.

My personal favorite is Rooibos with a touch of vanilla – it adds a lovely, soothing sweetness.

Just make sure the additional flavors complement the Rooibos rather than overpower it.

4. Brewing Time and Temperature

Now, here’s where your brewing skills come into play.

The way you brew your Rooibos can significantly affect its taste.

I’ve found that steeping Rooibos for around 5 to 7 minutes at a temperature of 200°F (93°C) works well.

This helps extract the flavors without making it overly bitter or astringent.

Adjust the time and temperature to your liking, but don’t overdo it – Rooibos is quite forgiving, but there’s a limit!

5. Water Quality

It might surprise you, but the water you use matters too.

If your tap water has strong minerals or impurities, they can subtly alter the taste of your Rooibos.

I usually go for filtered or bottled water to ensure a clean canvas for the tea’s flavor to shine through.

6. Storage Conditions

Lastly, how you store your Rooibos can impact its taste over time.

To keep that wonderful flavor intact, store it in an airtight container away from sunlight, moisture, and strong odors.

This will help prevent it from going stale and losing its vibrant taste.

rooibos tea mocktail
fruits and syrups

How to Make Rooibos Tea Taste Good

I’ve explored various ways to make Rooibos tea taste even better, if you don’t like its natural earthy taste.

Here’s what and how you can do this.

1. Rooibos and Berries

One of my all-time favorites is infusing Rooibos tea with berries.

The natural sweetness of berries complements the earthy notes of Rooibos perfectly.

Simply brew your Rooibos tea as usual and add a handful of your favorite berries like strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries.

Let them steep together for a few minutes, and voilà!

You’ve got a delicious, subtly sweet Rooibos-berry blend.

2. Rooibos and Citrus Slices

If you’re a fan of refreshing, tangy flavors, consider pairing Rooibos tea with slices of citrus fruits.

I love the combination of Rooibos with orange or lemon slices.

The citrusy essence brightens up the tea, giving it a lively and invigorating twist.

Brew your Rooibos tea, add a couple of citrus slices, and enjoy the vibrant infusion.

3. Rooibos Latte

Craving something creamy and comforting?

Try making a Rooibos latte!

Brew a strong cup of Rooibos tea, then heat up your milk of choice (dairy or plant-based).

Froth the milk until it’s creamy and foamy, then pour it over your brewed Rooibos tea.

You can add a touch of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra flavor.

It’s a warm, cozy treat that’s perfect for chilly days.

4. Rooibos and Spices

Adding spices to Rooibos tea can create a wonderfully aromatic and soothing experience.

You’ll enjoy infusing Rooibos with spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cloves.

Brew your Rooibos tea with these spices for a bit of warmth and depth.

5. Rooibos and Herbs

For a more delicate and fragrant touch, consider mixing Rooibos with dried herbs like lavender or chamomile.

This combination offers a soothing and floral flavor profile that’s perfect for relaxation.

Brew your Rooibos tea with the dried herbs, and let the aromas transport you to a serene oasis.

6. Rooibos with Vanilla and Honey

If you have a sweet tooth like me, you’ll love the harmony of Rooibos, vanilla, and honey.

Brew your Rooibos tea and add a drop of vanilla extract along with a drizzle of honey.

The vanilla’s warmth and the honey’s sweetness create a symphony of flavors that’s simply delightful.

Related – How to Make Tea Taste Better in 10 Ways!

lemon tea cakes for mint tea
lemon tea cakes

Rooibos Tea Food Pairing

If you’re holding a cup of rooibos tea and wondering what delicious treats might complement its unique flavors, you’ve come to the right place.

Let me be your guide to a delightful food journey.

1. Lemon Cake or Orange Biscuits

Pairing Rooibos tea with a citrusy dessert like lemon cake or orange-flavored biscuits is a match made in heaven.

The bright, zesty flavors of citrus complement the tea’s natural sweetness and create a refreshing balance.

The tangy notes of lemon or orange add a delightful contrast to the tea’s mellow profile.

Personally, I find this pairing perfect for a sunny afternoon.

2. Cheese and Crackers

There’s something about the nutty and earthy notes of Rooibos tea that pairs wonderfully with the richness of cheese. 

I love enjoying a mild cheddar or a creamy brie alongside a warm cup of Rooibos. 

The contrast between the tea’s warmth and the cheese’s savory goodness is truly satisfying.

3. Almond Cookies or Pecan Pie

If you’re a fan of nutty treats, consider pairing Rooibos tea with almond cookies or a slice of pecan pie.

The nutty and slightly buttery flavors in these treats harmonize beautifully with the tea’s gentle earthiness.

The combination evokes a cozy and comforting sensation, which makes it a wonderful choice for a relaxing evening by the fireplace.

4. Roasted Veggies

If you’re a fan of roasted vegetables, you’re in for a treat.

Rooibos tea’s natural sweetness can balance out the caramelized flavors of veggies like sweet potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers.

The tea’s mild smokiness adds a layer of depth to the dish.

rooibos tea with macarons
rooibos tea with macarons

5. Dark Chocolate or Chocolate-Drizzled Biscotti

For those who adore chocolate, don’t hesitate to pair Rooibos tea with a piece of high-quality dark chocolate or some chocolate-drizzled biscotti.

The rich cocoa flavors complement the tea’s natural sweetness and enhance its depth.

The contrast between the warm tea and the decadent chocolate is a delightful experience that I’ve personally savored many times.

6. Grilled Chicken Salad

For a light and refreshing option, try Rooibos tea with a grilled chicken salad.

The tea’s herbal undertones complement the freshness of the vegetables, and its lack of bitterness won’t clash with the flavors in the dish.

A citrusy vinaigrette pairs beautifully here.

7. Berry Tart or Peach Cobbler

Rooibos tea also plays well with fruity desserts.

Consider enjoying it alongside a slice of berry tart or a serving of warm peach cobbler.

The fruity and slightly tart elements of these desserts create an intriguing interplay with the tea’s inherent sweetness.

This pairing is like a symphony of flavors, dancing across your taste buds.

8. Vanilla Pudding or Coconut Macaroons

To add a touch of creaminess to your Rooibos tea experience, try pairing it with vanilla pudding or coconut macaroons.

The creamy textures and gentle flavors of these desserts complement the tea’s smooth profile.

How to Make Rooibos Tea - Rooibostee Recipe

When to Drink Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is a wonderful caffeine-free option that offers a range of benefits and a delicious taste.

Here’s a handy guide to help you decide when to enjoy this soothing brew.

Starting Your Day

Rooibos tea can be a great way to kick-start your morning without the jitters of caffeine.

Its natural sweetness and earthy flavor can be a refreshing change from your regular cup of coffee or black tea.

Midday Pick-Me-Up

When that midday slump hits, reach for a cup of rooibos tea.

Its gentle energy boost can help you stay focused without interfering with your sleep later in the evening.

After Meals

Rooibos tea aids digestion, making it a perfect after-meal drink.

Its soothing properties can help alleviate any discomfort and promote a sense of relaxation.

Evening Wind Down

One of the best times to enjoy rooibos tea is in the evening.

Its lack of caffeine ensures it won’t disrupt your sleep, and the calming effect can help you unwind after a long day.

Before Bed

If you’re looking for a warm and comforting drink before bed, rooibos is an excellent choice.

Its natural compounds might help improve sleep quality and ensure a restful night.

As Iced Tea

Rooibos tea can also be a refreshing iced beverage, especially during warmer months.

Its naturally sweet and slightly nutty taste can quench your thirst while providing antioxidants.

What I Do!

From my own experience, rooibos tea has become a versatile go-to drink throughout the day.

I particularly enjoy it as an alternative to black tea or herbal blends, especially when I want to avoid caffeine.

The warm, earthy notes are comforting in the evening, and I’ve found it helps me relax before bedtime.

Whether you prefer it hot or iced, rooibos tea is a flavorful and healthful choice for various moments in your day.


rooibos tea

Rooibos Tea Recipe

Recipe by Tania FaysalCourse: DrinksCuisine: Other world cuisine


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



There's something truly comforting about a classic cup of Rooibos tea. This Rooibos tea recipe is my go-to, tried-and-true method to make the perfect cup.


  • 1 to 2 teaspoons of loose leaf Rooibos tea (or 1 Rooibos tea bag)

  • Fresh, cold water

  • Honey, sugar, or lemon (optional, for taste)

  • Equipment
  • Tea kettle or pot

  • Teapot or teacup with an infuser

  • Timer or clock


  • Boil the Water: Fill your tea kettle with fresh, cold water and bring it to a boil.
  • Warm the Teapot: While the water is boiling, swirl a bit of the hot water inside your teapot to warm it up. This helps maintain the optimal brewing temperature.
  • Add Rooibos Tea: Place 1 to 2 teaspoons of loose leaf Rooibos tea or 1 Rooibos tea bag into your teapot or teacup with an infuser.
  • Pour the Hot Water: Once the water has boiled, let it cool for a moment (around 200°F or 93°C is perfect). Pour it over the Rooibos in your teapot.
  • Set the Timer: Set your timer for 7 minutes. This gives the Rooibos enough time to infuse its rich flavors into the water.
  • Steep and Sip: Allow the tea to steep. I personally find 7 minutes ideal for a robust flavor. If you prefer a milder taste, you can start sipping around the 5-minute mark.
  • Customize (Optional): If you like, add honey, sugar, or a squeeze of lemon to enhance the flavor. I usually enjoy it plain, though, to fully appreciate the Rooibos taste.
  • Enjoy: Once the timer goes off, remove the tea leaves or bag. Give it a gentle stir, and your classic Rooibos tea is ready to be savored.

Recipe Video


  • Water Quality: Always use good-quality water for your tea. The taste of the water directly affects the flavor of your tea. If possible, opt for filtered water to ensure the best taste.
  • Leaf Quality: When it comes to Rooibos, the leaves matter. Higher-quality Rooibos has more leaves and fewer stems. Loose Rooibos or tea sachets generally contain better quality leaves compared to tea bags.
  • Teapot Warming: Taking a moment to warm your teapot before brewing is a step often taken by tea enthusiasts. This helps maintain a consistent water temperature during steeping, which is essential for a balanced flavor.
  • Adjust Steeping Time: If you're a fan of stronger tea, don't hesitate to add a couple of extra minutes to the steeping time. You can also slightly increase the amount of Rooibos tea leaves for a bolder taste.
  • Straining Twice: If you prefer a clear tea without any bits of Rooibos, strain it twice. A fine mesh strainer works well for this purpose. This extra step ensures a smooth and debris-free cup.
  • Storage: Brewed Rooibos tea can be refrigerated for up to 4 days. To maintain its freshness, store it in a covered or airtight glass container or pitcher.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does Rooibos tea taste like?

Rooibos tea has a mild and slightly sweet flavor with hints of earthiness and nuttiness.

It’s often described as being naturally smooth and soothing, making it a pleasant choice for people who don’t like the bitterness sometimes found in traditional teas.

No, Rooibos tea is naturally caffeine-free. So, if you’re looking for a tea option that won’t give you the jitters or interfere with your sleep, Rooibos is a great choice.

Rooibos isn’t technically a true tea like black, green, or white tea because it doesn’t come from the Camellia sinensis plant.

Instead, Rooibos is made from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant. So, its a herbal tea. But it’s often referred to as “tea” due to its similar steeping process.

Rooibos tea is very low in calories, typically containing zero to just a few calories per cup. It’s a great option if you’re watching your calorie intake.

You can definitely put milk in Rooibos tea if you enjoy it that way.

Some people like to add a splash of milk to make it creamier, similar to how you might add milk to black tea. It’s all about personal preference, so feel free to experiment!

Yes, Rooibos tea is generally considered safe to drink daily. It’s caffeine-free and packed with antioxidants, making it a healthy choice.

However, like anything, moderation is key. Drinking a few cups a day is usually fine, but excessive consumption might not be necessary.

Making Rooibos tea involves a few simple steps. First, the leaves and stems of the Rooibos plant are harvested and then bruised to help with oxidation.

They’re spread out to dry in the sun. During this drying process, the leaves turn their distinctive reddish-brown color.

After drying, the leaves can be further processed, often by cutting or shredding them. Once the leaves are ready, they’re packaged and ready for steeping. 

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